Ujjwal Rawat
10 min readMay 11, 2022


I abhor this.

Money, fame, attention, ego, etc. and these are all good reasons why some people want to be an influencer.
However, I disagree that this is representative of most influencers.

The self-proclaimed social media influencers with just 100 Instagram followers.
They really and so do my alter ego believe they are social media influencers. And I kid you not there are many people who want to be social media influencers but have not worked or worked to get there, they are just lost.
There is a huge percentage of people who are willing to put a product on their Instagram post just to get it for free.

No standard way to measure your popularity in the real world, while social media has likes, comments and shares.



This is speculation on my part, but probably because most people think they’re worth adding. That they are entertaining and interesting. I guess they also don’t realize that you need to be valuable to be successful, hence why there are so many rejections. However, it can be confusing when they think they have value, but don’t consciously realize that you must be valuable to be successful. Every living person has beliefs of their own, only if those beliefs are meaningful and justifiable. If so, you will be successful. If not, you won’t. Irrational and meaningless people get no attention (they have no value). It is useless, it will waste the viewer’s time.
With modelling, for example, it is much clearer to see a person’s “value” to the profession. Same with acting etc. It’s just that this whole “influencer” scene has been thoroughly investigated by everyone. So in the end, once properly informed, fewer people will try to be “influencers”, they will likely turn to other things to gain value as a human before retry. But maybe I was wrong. After all, I know very little with my limited perspective. It is possible that the same mistakes will be repeated again and again. It can.


I believe being an influencer is essential these days, it’s one of the many ways a person can achieve success or add to their existing success.
People don’t just become influencers, they also have to capture, capture, and maintain the audience’s attention. They must have certain skills/experience to share with their community. Despite the stigma, influencers are not “without talent,” and often aren’t even celebrities like Kendall Jenner or Kim Kardashian. As the name suggests, an influencer is someone who does it just to influence a group of people, big or small. For example, you might be a stylish bartender in a small town with 10,000 Instagram followers. That number may not seem like much, but your 10,000 followers really love your coffee, enjoy your content, and stay in your area. And that’s great for business. Your online presence attracts both new and existing customers who are willing to pay more than the average price for a cup of YOUR coffee, namely.

I believe that once the hype is gone, modern influencers will become entrepreneurs and scientists. They can share helpful content that teaches and inspires, completely free of charge.

So, if you’ve decided to become an influencer, better try(ignore if you earning money by influencing using different methods; KINDLY IGNORE!)

Be yourself, don’t rely on a fake personality or fake image
Don’t talk about those things. what you don’t understand
Don’t lie to people
Don’t just be for money
Genuine experts in their field should become influencers to make our world a better place.

This is potentially isolating because truly independent ideas are more likely to push others away than to influence them. But people can never forget what you said; so your ideas will continue to influence them over time. People are usually attracted to reason and confidence, so don`t worry about your success or failure. Find your common ground with other people`s ideas, support those arrangements, and praise them for their contributions. Admit when you`re wrong and give credit to the people who influence you. Being influenced by someone is a voluntary act. Let ideas compete, not people.
So if we look around us, we can find people who will influence us in every way, which can be a huge thing to learn.


A completely fake influencer would be someone who bought their followers and engaged with the goal of attracting brand deals with major companies.
Follower count, over a very long time, determines how popular an influencer is and how much attention they can give to the product they are promoting. But now fake influencers can easily build online portfolios using stock photos and buy followers.
There are several ways to detect them, but these measures are not effective; sometimes you just need to follow your instincts to determine if an influencer is legit.
The number of followers is a huge determining factor. There’s a lot that can be deciphered just by looking at the subscriber list.
• The number of followers vs engagement will be wrong
For the number of followers they have, the number of likes and comments seems very insignificant leading to bot followers, which means they have almost no influence.
• How long has the account been active?
Fake influencers tend to “gain” a large following within days of launching. The development seems completely inorganic and the high quality content from the very first post makes everything even more known.
• Comments left under their posts

Many fake influencers can also pay to participate. So take a close look at their comments section. The comments section under a Pledge buyer’s post should look like this:
1. A significant amount of expressive comments and generic comments can be used on any post.
2. Comments have no meaning to the actual post.
3. The same group of people keep commenting under their posts.
All of these are red flags to be considered.
What do you think of Instagram influencers?
Influencers are people who have essentially built their reputation in a particular field or industry. To be successful, they must reach an audience, preferably a large audience, from which their “influence” comes.

Influencer marketing has proven to be one of the most effective ways for brands to engage with customers and increase traffic. As a result, using influencer marketing allows brands to build more personal relationships with potential customers.
Instagram influencers spend a lot of time and effort growing their followers. So when an influencer shares their perspective, their audience is more likely to trust their recommendation. Making racist statements, not disclosing that a post is sponsored, posting insensitive posts, using bots to grow followers can lead to Instagram influencers and their behaviour.
If someone feels cheated by an Instagram influencer who doesn't make their position clear to them, it affects the relationship of the influencer and their followers.
Today, everyone is at risk of being bullied on the Internet, just like Instagram influencers.
We should always be careful when following an influencer on Instagram to protect ourselves from engaging in unwarranted controversies that attract unnecessary public attention.

In addition to the huge advertising market and growing demand from brands, the benefits brought by influencers are one of the factors that make this field grow rapidly.

  • The first benefit we need to mention is to answer this question “Why become an influencer?” is that it gives you a substantial income.
  • Brands are always looking for new ways to market their products, and influencer marketing is one of the hottest trends right now.
  • With a large audience from an influencer, you can totally start a new trend.


You need to build authority to become an influencer.
What I can say is that enough people have succeeded in becoming an influencer that the road is open to everyone, which is, in theory, easier.
It was understood.
People must first believe in your authority.
Start giving value to your local community, to your next-door neighbours, to schools and colleges, to people on the street.
I’m sorry I don’t have any tangible advice, but I hate to give you some sort of “simple” formula that doesn’t work and is full of errors that you won’t be able to figure out.

“You’re not an influencer if you’re following the same amount of people who follow you!”

Marketing is a game of mirrors.
Unless you know the unwritten rules of the Internet, it can be very easy to confuse “industry experts” with people who know how to manipulate the ignorance of others.

The person won’t tell you what they know.
When someone on the internet offers only 10% of what they know and asks you to sign up or pay the remaining 90%, I give up.

Genuine thought leaders give away 90% of what they know and charge the final 10% as a convenience fee (like having material in a book).
If you brag about having 500,000 followers, but you also follow 500,000 people, it`s like you`re walking around with a tag that says, “Hi, I`m fake”. The person`s main credit is presented in a major publication. .
I don`t care what publication mentioned your name. The person`s website has popup email captures everywhere. Even timely email snapshots that aren`t too intrusive (and provide some sort of real value) are fine.
The vast majority of sites that work hard to capture your email are there to direct you to a store, which is usually something you don`t need at all (or can be found elsewhere for free) . So when you catch these big auras, “Would you like to change your life in three simple steps?” funnel, go. The person wrote a book in less than a month.
Dear Marketers: Writing a book in less than a month is no feat.
When I meet people (especially marketers) who tell me they`ve written their book in two weeks (often with a proud smile on their face), I immediately question myself work with them.
*Note: There are exceptions to every rule, and I know a handful of people who have written short books in a few weeks that offer real value (even if the handwriting is poor).
If you come across people with YouTube videos that look like they could double up for a Sunday vigil, I recommend doing your due diligence.
I personally cringe at the whole action, but people pleasing , it`s worth calling out.


Young people don`t just trust influencers, they want to be them: 86% of Gen Z and Millennials surveyed will post sponsored content to earn money, and 54% will become an influencer if they get the chance, as reported by research firm Morning.
According to a survey, 61% of young Americans said they are likely to have posted about brands they love, so if paid, how much money could they make? According to the report, while only 12% of young people consider themselves an influence, the potential job market for influencers is huge.

Not long before advances in technology, scheduled television was virtually the only mass media available to consumers and one of the primary platforms used by marketers to advertise. report to the public. Today, with the advent of the Internet and the ubiquity of social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, consumers have unlimited freedom and choice over the content they want to see. This creates a problem for brands. As their target audience continues to expand across various forms of media, it becomes increasingly difficult to reach them.
As a result, marketers discovered that influencer marketing could provide a solution to the problem. It allows brands to locate and advertise directly to their target audience. Consumers are increasingly sceptical of brands and their marketing tactics, and building trust is crucial. Advertising through influencers allows brands to promote someone that a niche community looks for, interacts with, and trusts on a daily basis. So instead of being sceptical of a commercial or social media ad, consumers trust that if their chosen influencer likes a product, they will like it too.


Unlike most marketing strategies, influencer marketing requires a high degree of trust between the brand and the third party. While influencers are often required to sign a legal contract, taking care of a brand reputation is essentially in their hands. A brand needs to make sure that influencer content matches its overall image. Using unfamiliar or objectionable content can have negative consequences for a brand’s reputation. This is especially important when working with young influencers who may lack maturity and professionalism.
It’s complicated because I identify as a writer and a poet, but I know I don’t necessarily consider that first, because I’m also a TV personality. I think the term social media influencer describes me very well. You can’t wake up one morning and say I want to influence people, but when someone calls me that… I thought about it and decided — well, if I had an audience and I there’s a platform, I want to use it for the greater good, I want to use it for important things and important things, and I think that’s what I’m trying to constantly communicate with my audience me.





To sum up all, Influencers are considered to be people who accumulate a lot of followers on social networking platforms like Instagram, and businesses today widely use these people as a marketing tool to reach their target audience. One way to cut costs while delivering effective campaigns is to implement a social media marketing strategy. On the other hand, one could argue that social media marketing is used because traditional advertising is not effectively reaching its goal today. Social media advertising is nothing new, but for businesses to become more efficient and increase their return on investment (ROI), influencer marketing is emerging accordingly.


